Saturday, July 26, 2008

Time Flies When You're Busy (and having fun)

I can't believe how many days have gone by since my last blog entry. So much has happened since then. I'll give you a brief run down.

The boys have begun seeing a pediatric chiropractor who also practices homeopathy. They seem to be responding wonderfully. The intial visit was for Liam. We were taking him for sacral cranial outlet treatment and some Neurological emotional treatment (NET) to help with his head banging behavior. Well he seems much calmer, not perfect of course but definitely calmer. Miles she is treating his sinus and tonsil/adnoid problems hoping to drain them so he they'll stop giving him problems and he won't have to have surgery. And she saw Aidan for his slight scoliosis in hopes of correcting it. We'll be seeing Dr. Tulloss for several more visits.

The boys also had terrible colds with fevers now passed on to me. Aidan stayed home from preschool and daddy stayed home from work to help take care of them all. That was pretty miserable.

After running into my neighbor at the park with her 2 yr old and 1 month old and seeing just how tired she was, I delivered dinner (veggie enchiladas) to her on Thurs to try to provide some relief. I remember how thankful I was for all the neighbors and friends who delivered a meal. So I decided to pay that one forward. I'm sure there will be a few more of those to come.

Then yesterday we all went next door and picked blackberries. Well I did while Aidan held the bowl and the twins ran around. Our neighbors have an amazing huge yard, the boys love it. The twins actually got to go twice, we went first in the morning with our twin friends sebastian and Fletcher then when I realized I didn't have enough black berries we went again after dinner.

I baked a cheesecake and made blackberry sauce for the playdate/baby shower we had today for one of our new friends via preschool. Aidan had his 2 best buddies over, Ryan and Tim while we hosted a small baby shower for Tim's mom who is about to have identical twin girls in the next 2 weeks. It was hot but fun and everyone enjoyed the deserts. Ryan's mom Anna was kind enough to bring burritos and quesadillas from Cactus, that was a hit too!

The only other update is that the boys seem to be settling in now at daycare. The morning vomits have stopped and the crying is down to a minimum. I'm thankful for this because I was concerned the daycare attendant was going to tell me they were just too disruptive to be there.

That's it for now...tomorrow we have a birthday party and grandma to see ...

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