Saturday, March 26, 2011


Today was Aidan's school walk-a-thon, which went on rain or shine. Aidan really had his heart set on going so, despite the pouring rain this morning we roughed it and went. We arrived to a pretty big crowd, lots of wet folks. Upon arriving, I could see it in the parents faces that we would all rather be in the comfort of warm and dry homes but the kids, no complaints at all, they were enjoying themselves. So as good parents, and supporters of our local public school, we braved the weather and cheered on our kids.

Aidan like many of the others was intent on earning his t-shirt for walking 10k. Many of the conversations I overheard went like this "But mom , I just need one more lap for my t-shirt", "We can't go yet, I haven't earned my t-shirt" Our conversation with Aidan was no different. We were ready to go when he was at lap 5 (each lap a 1k) but he was in no way going to let us go. The good thing was he earned 2 free laps, one for an extra credit project and 1 freebie for showing up early when the rain was at its worst. Aidan finished his 8k or 5 miles. Hooray to him!

A Battle Lesson

My boys have been playing battle quite a bit these days. So this morning they were at it again, with their foam swords, hats, masks and what ever other costumes they have concocted as battle gear. Their battle conversation went like this

Liam (4yrs) to Aidan (6yrs): You stole from the golden monkey. I have come to catch you because you steal!

Miles(4yrs) says: Yeah you steal!

Aidan's comeback: Well, You judge people by their color!

Although we teach the kids often about diversity and not judging others by their color, I was surprised to hear this as Aidan's insult...accusation of a crime come out of his mouth during battle. It's sort of a weird proud parent moment to know my kid gets it, we are all equal.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Paddy's Day!

It was a fun day here, this St Patrick's Day, and the day began with lots of laughs. We aren't Irish, despite the fact that I get asked often if we are (hmm, maybe names like, Aidan, Liam and Miles might give this impression) we decided to celebrate like we are. We wore our green today. I cooked my first corned beef brisket with cabbage. Unfortunately, the boys weren't wild about it. For some added fun, I treated the boys to mint chocolate ice cream cones, you know green ice cream on St. Patrick's day, right! The boys were thrilled. This just might have to be a new tradition for us. Hoping you all had a Happy St. Patrick's Day as well!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Opening Ceremony: Entering the World of Little League

This past weekend we attended the opening ceremony for Aidan's Little League. The boys have taken different sporting classes but this is our first real organized team sport. We're all pretty excited about it, especially Aidan. He's thrilled to be on a team and just loves wearing his uniform. If it ended at that then I'd be OK but, truth be told I'm a bit concerned about the time commitment this entails, weekly practice sometimes even 2 times a week, games every Sunday. Practice is late enough in the day that I'll need to drag his brothers with us and will inevitably end up having to entertain them while we're there. I'm afraid it just might end up being more than I bargained for. Well, got to set those concerns asides, slap a smile on my face and be that supportive mom out there. Here's to hoping for a fabulous season for those Red Sox!

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