Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Blogging Hiatus

Well it's been an unplanned blogging hiatus and I'm surprised to how much time has gone by. Wish I could say we I haven't been blogging because we've been having just a very busy fabulous time with all kinds of great activities but the truth of it all is that we've been sick. First was a stomach flu that plowed through 4 family members in 48 hours leaving us wiped out, and now boys are sick again with bad colds, lots of yucky congestion, coughing spasms leading to vomitting and just overall low energy. I guess this is what happens when you start a new school, lots of new germs to be had too! MIles in Liam started preschool this past week and instantly became ill, bummer. The one highlight during this blogging hiatus, was a mommy trip to the spa to celebrate a friend's 40th birthday....stay tuned, blog entry about this grand ol time to come soon!

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