Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Doctor?? Dr. Seuss

Today while in the car Miles had a thought provoking moment out of the blue,

Miles: "You know Mom, Dr. Seuss was not a doctor."

Me: "Yeah Miles you're right about that."

Miles: "Well why did they call him doctor instead of Mr. Seuss?"

Me awkwardly: " That's a good question Miles but unfortunately I don't know."

Miles matter of fact: "Well you should find out."

That's just great, one more thing to add to the "to do list"

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

There really is nothing more special than handmade gifts from your kids on Mother's Day. My boys beamed with pride as I opened my gifts and "ohhed and ahhed" over them. Seeing how proud they are to give their "Mom" a gift is pretty special too. Today, I celebrate them. Without them I wouldn't be the proud Mama I am today. Happy Mother's Day!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Mourning Teeth

So sad to think that I will never see this sweet baby tooth smile again. My baby boy no longer has front teeth. I know he's not a baby anymore but he will always be my baby. And I guess what I'm really mourning is not the loss of his teeth but what it represents, he's growing up. Before kids, I always heard mother's say "it goes by so fast" I never understood what they meant by this. Until most recently, it's hit me I no longer have babies and my oldest is no longer a toddler but really a young boy. When I sit back to think about the time that has gone by and how they're growing up, it all seems so surreal, a feeling of "where did the time go" and now I fully understand what it means when you hear a mom say "they grow up so fast". Yes, I'm mourning the loss of my babies as well as the loss of Aidan's baby teeth. His teeth is just one more indicator of how he's growing up.

Let me add that they didn't fall out naturally. While I know this would have happened naturally at some point the fact that they had to pull them made it that much more difficult. Aidan had 3 adult front teeth coming in, one smack in the middle. The dentist as well as the oral surgeon agreed that the extra needed to be removed so it wouldn't interfere with his others coming in. What that meant was oral surgery. As I was worried sick about it, all Aidan could think about was how great it's going to be to finally be on the tooth board in class and just think what the tooth fairy is going to bring him. In his words, "Not just 1 tooth but 3!"

Although no mother wants to see there child agonizing over discomfort or pain it was a reminder to me that my boys will always be my babies. Even though they are growing up, being a mom means being there to comfort your child and reassure them that everything is going to be ok.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Make It Your Own

We spent sometime this afternoon decorating these new toothbrushes the Easter Bunny brought the boys. It was perfect timing as I've been trying to teach the kids about making things their own, being their own person with their own style. If you didn't know, you might be thinking I have some tweens in the home right? Sounds crazy that I'm having to have these conversations with my 4 yr old twins and 6 yr old, oh excuse me 6 3/4 yr old, right? The truth is I am. The struggle in my house right now is my boys concerns about what their friends might or might not think is cool. Statements like this can be heard every morning in my house, " I don't want to wear that shirt, my friends won't like it.", "I don't want those shoes, [so and so]says those aren't cool." These statements are from my 4 yr olds. I find it frightening that this has begun at such an early age. My 6 yr old is all about, " I want my picture (when he's drawing) to look like [so and so's].", "[So and so] made a cool airplane, I want mine to look the same." Coming from Aidan, this has really surprised me because he's always marched to the beat of his own drum.

I just keep reminding them, that they should wear what they like. It doesn't matter what someone else thinks of it and they shoud wear it proudly. As for their artwork what's most important is their imagination how they would like something to look. The best thing is having your own style and not being a slave to what others think.

So when it came time to decorate their toothbrushes, I kept reinforcing this. The kit came with 141 stickers so you got to choose which ones to use. I pointed out the differences between their toothbrushes and yet they were all cool. They all agreed with me. I tried to tie this back to how great it feels to be your own person. They all nodded in agreement. I really do hope they're getting the message. Only time will tell.

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