I've been taking the boys out to ride bikes, tricycles, and scooters with Rachel and her gang. Since we've started this, Aidan is so much more comfortable riding his bike now and yes he's far too big for his bike. (We know what he'll be getting for his birthday) He's still riding with training wheels but today he had a chance to ride Parker's bike, without training wheels and it's the right size. Rachel is such a trooper, running along with him. According to Rachel, he balanced pretty well, so hopefully he'll be riding without trainers soon!
While Aidan is riding, Miles and Liam are pushing scooters and tricycles around. They don't really have the hang of how to work the pedals yet. Liam insists on riding Aidan's bike and is constantly pushing back on the brakes. The funny thing is, it's just his size. Hopefully, they'll be bike riding soon too!